Napoleon Hill once said, “Every adversity, every failure, every heartache carries with it the seed of an equal or greater benefit.”
God has given us life. What we chose to do with that life is up to us. Never question God’s intentions. He creates adversity in our lives for us to find our inner strength and carry on. He allows us to fail to let us understand the pain and heartache of failure but learn from our failures.
Everyone has experienced some degree of success, adversity, failure and heartache. This cannot be measured or compared as every situation and person is unique. We all have a story. Adversity will strike. We will fail. We will feel at times broken. It’s what we do with those feelings and failures that transform us into hopefully better people.
The world can be a nasty place. I have receipts and vouchers to prove this. I’m often asked, why and how do you stay so positive? My response is always steady, consistent and with resolve. I see and find a silver lining. I like to find the good in any situation or any person and focus on that. I believe we are what we attract and in the law of attraction. If we live in the past and choose to stay stuck in heartache and failure we will continue to experience negative feelings. If we find the silver lining, & focus on what’s positive in our lives we move on, we attract what we want, we live in the now and get through “adversity avenue” knowing God is in our corner.
This post is for all going through hard times. This post is for anyone that may be questioning themselves, their situations, their choices. Life is hard but YOU are harder. Never question God. Be easy on yourself. Stay positive. Find your silver lining. Thank people. Smile. Repeat.